These few acres were once the center of the city’s creative music scene, home to an informal “producers’ alley” where Chet Atkins, Cowboy Jack Clement, Bob Ferguson and others kept offices. It was on this site that songwriters and publishers once pitched and discussed the songs that would not only be recorded by major artists, but make country music history worldwide.
Expanded in 1964 to become one of the premier sound engineering marvels of its time, the complex provided space to record a 100-piece orchestra, creating a unique acoustic environment that even today exists in only a handful of recording studios in the world. From Elvis Presley, Dolly Parton and Charley Pride to Nancy Sinatra, Perry Como and Al Hirt, the depth of music history that can be traced back to the RCA Victor Nashville Studios is astounding. Today, centrally located Nashville real estate is hotter than it has been in decades. Almost overnight, developers have come into the area looking for teardown sites that allow zoning for high-rise construction. Sadly, the “Studio A” side of the RCA Victor complex falls into that category. In late July 2014, Brentwood, Tennessee developer Tim Reynolds of Bravo Development closed on the property at a purchase price of 4.1 million dollars, vowing to preserve and incorporate the legendary studio into his plans. |
Recently, however, the developer has made specific statements to the press about his perception of the building’s condition that appear to set the stage for the possible demolition of Studio A, a move that many believe would erase an essential piece of our Music City identity. On September 12, 2014 eviction notices were delivered to all tenants effective November 30, 2014. At this moment, a diverse group of concerned citizens is working to protect Studio A from potential demolition. Just as the Ryman was threatened and saved back in 1974, we hope to save Studio A by telling its story, rallying the Nashville community, and re-establishing its legacy as a Music City icon. We believe that if we band together with a single voice, we can make it happen. Please join us on Facebook, sign our petition and share this important message with your friends, before it’s too late. |